Champaign County, Ohio
Champaign Land Preservation Annual Meeting
March 17th, 7pm
"Bringing back the Bluebirds"
Bethany Gray, is the recipient of statewide awards for her work educating children and adults about bluebird conservation. Bluebird populations have decreased dramatically with the disappearance of traditional nesting cavities and orchards, competition with other birds for nesting sites and other changes in the environment. Bethany will offer information to help support bluebird populations.
A short report and business meeting will follow. Refreshments will be provided and the meeting is open to the public.
Urbana Township Building, 2564 State Route 54
Reading the Landscape: an evening of poetry and prose
Bring your favorite reading to share
Thursday, March 19th, 6:30 pm
The public is invited to read their own poetry or prose, share a favorite author, or just listen. Urbana University Library, the University's English honorary, Tau Kappa Beta and Champaign Land Preservation are sponsors of the event. It's a perfect way to spend a winter evening!
Urbana University Library
Spring Wildflower Hike at Maureen and Phil Fry's
Saturday, April 11th, 1 pm
5370 North Elm Tree Road- Rain or Shine
Join us for a walk in one of the most beautiful woods of Champaign County.
Call Janet if you need directions (937) 484-3448
The preservation of land for agricultural production, natural habitats and open spaces, preserves the spirit of Champaign County and its values for future generations. The mission of Champaign Land Preservation is to preserve farmland, scenic open land, forests, wildlife habitat and other lands of significant natural and historic value.